17 December 2009
Auld Lang Syne, My Friends!
07 December 2009
Ugg Luv!
25 November 2009
Holiday Uniform....make it simple and chic!
09 November 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away....I've personally had enough, if anyone cares!
31 October 2009
Go Beyond The Bus Stop With Me!
19 October 2009
Don't Forget the Advil
16 October 2009
HGTV's Inspirational Kristan Cunningham
06 October 2009
Headache Reduction 101
30 September 2009
MomSpace Tending to Details Forum
Do you Facebook?
23 September 2009
Mother's Theresa' Inspiration for All
14 September 2009
Be the best YOU you can be!
07 September 2009
Let's Hit the Mall....Denim Fever
01 September 2009
Please vote for EDC on Divine Caroline!
How I Got Beyond the Rain
28 August 2009
Friendships Missed
18 August 2009
All in a Days' Meditation
While nestled amongst the green mountains of Vermont I always feel a sense of inner peace and the power and majesty of something bigger than myself. I have been hoping to introduce meditation into my life for some time, however, I always seem to jeopardize my attempts before I get far enough to call it routine.
This time was different. While on vacation I saw listed an introduction to meditation class and I knew I had to try it out. So glad I did, the instructor was wonderfully inspiringl a world traveler and student of budism, yogis of India and Thailand and a calming presence immediately. I knew she would inspire me and finally I would understand the process. After an hour and a half of conversation, practice and instruction I began to be able to find the calm that many people, including this instructor, have told me would be life changing.
Mind you, I'm a fantastic multitasker, I could easily follow my breath, think about her instructions to the class and also catagorize my "to-do" list! Not the intention, however! I've been doing this since first grade when I'd constantly be reprimanded by my teacher for chatting during class instruction time. "No problem, I heard you, lady!" Still, always found myself at recess spending days upon days walking up and down the parochial school sidewalks as my punishment.
You would think this would have been a good time to practice being alone and focusing my thoughts on one thing at a time. instead, I continued to nurture my multitasking skills and over the years have even shaped my business around this theme.
Time to stop. For me slow my thoughts and my brain, focusing my breath and just "being" is very difficult. We started small and hoped to be successful in five minute incriments; pushing the thoughts away as they fought their way back. Five minutes is a long time in meditation when you are new at the practice. Trust me, it's worth it. I know that it is going to take me many, many weeks of practice to find meditation to be easy, but it is a test of wills and I always enjoy that type of challenge.
I have found some soothing instrumental musical selections and downloaded them onto my ipod. Right now this helps to put me in a more meditative state but eventually I hope to be able to find this place just about any time. I'm proud to say I am finding the minutes are flying by. Five minutes isn't that difficult and ten minutes is more suitable, hoping twenty to thirty will soon follow. Finding the time to sit down is harder but I am really working to make that a priority. The calm and sense of peace that I feel afterwards is evident. When my mind wanders during the day and I begin to feel stressed I let myself think back to my mornings' meditation and redirect the calm. It is a process and a decisive mental practice.
Take some time today for yourself and explore your calm. Thanks for reading! Miriam
11 August 2009
Packing to travel can be both cathartic and headache inducing. One thing is a must; be organized. I can't pack any other way. It's not a free-for-all since if we're traveling by plane the weight restrictions for luggage with the overage charges can deplete your margarita reserve before you even leave the tarmac!
I find packing small very difficult because I never know what kind of mood I'm going to be in on any given day, what type of social events I will partake in or if I'll be feeling extra bloated at some point. How do you pack small with that kind of uncertainty?
Of course, once I do determine the clothing items, there's accessories! I could do without the clothes...well, you know what I mean; I buy clothes to go with my great accessories; love my bags, shoes and jewels; and I'm totally half dressed without them.
Stress as I may, I generally do ok. I've learned that when I'm heading to the mountains I certainly don't need Jimmy Choos! If you know you'll have the option of doing laundry, pack for half as many days as you'll be traveling. Lay out your outfits and see how much mixing and matching you can do. Right now the styles are shown in tones like gray, tan, navy and black with bright color accents. Bring along the minimum knowing you can always launder.
Keep in mind, depending on your destination, that there may be a chilly night or two so a versatile jacket or cardigan is a must. One pair of jeans and one long sleeved top for an extra chilly or rainy day needs to be tucked in just in case. Here's the hard part, keep the shoe selection small. Pack the flat sandals and wear the one pair of wedges that you can make work with anything.
Underpinnings and swimsuits can be hand washed and hung to dry so you don't need too much variety here, contrary to what we might see, it's should not be a fashion show at the pool. What I do at this point is then look at everything I've set aside and remove what I really and truly can live without. Then I probably am ready to accessorize. Two handbags, one for day, one for going out, that's it! This is difficult for me, as is packing the shoes. I am still working on great restraint in this regard.
The jewelry accessories can usually be paired down too-another tough job for me. One long strand of beads for a night or two out that can be doubled or layered with shorter strands to give a different look. Add some chunky bangles that can make less look like more and a pair of earrings in each style; dangle, bangle, hoop and stud; that's about it!
If you plan to get some exercise throw in workout gear and sneakers but hey, you're on vacation...so you needn't stress over this if you can't make it fit. Happy travels all! Thanks for reading! Miriam
09 August 2009
Wishing I Had Never Left
02 August 2009
Guys and Dolls....We Are Who We Are!
Find Your Own Inspirations
Create a Cairn this Summer
Build a Cairn in tribute. To a pet, to a loved one, to your country. Cairns have been seen throughout the world for centuries either built as a tribute in memorium or as a way to set a path for travelers hiking trails and mountains. They are today used as landmarks but are also used for astronomical purposes, although depending on their country of origin, have various meanings.
Cairns have been found from the Canadian Arctic to the United Kingdom. They can be simple towers of graduated stone or large, complex structures of many pebbles and rocks. They are a tribute to Hermes, the God of overland travel, according to Greek Mythology.
I love to search for cairns along the trails we hike in Sedona. Many of these are markers for a Vortex. Vortex are found along particular trails and are felt to have healing mystical powers. When we are hiking and come upon a Cairn I feel a part of something bigger than myself when I add my stone to the tower as we pass.
I felt so connected to these structures, and so moved by their aesthetic beauty that I have constructed two of my own in my backyard. I enjoy sitting on my porch and gazing at the flowerbed where I have a cairn built from rocks that each member of our family contributed to shape our Cairn.
The stone at the top is a very special contribution, it is the stone found on Long Bay, a picturesque beach in French St. Martin, on our honeymoon twenty years ago. I thought it a fitting symbolism of what we have built together, the five of us, starting and ending with a commitment made by two. Thanks for reading! Miriam
07 July 2009
Godwinks are Worth Noting!
04 July 2009
Celebrate our Nation!
30 June 2009
Mourning the Loses of our Memories
23 June 2009
Focusing on Ways to Move Forward
I was at lunch last week with some of my dear friends and we were talking about our lives, not complaining, just talking about how things seem to get so out of control this time of year and how much focus is needed to get back in control. Well, control is not the best usage of words here. Control is not always a good thing...but focus is better. While in discussion, my friend Sharon and I finished each others' sentence with the following thought: "You can't change your hardware but you can reprogram your software". How true is that?
We are all downshifting a bit right now. School is over and our focus is changing for a couple of months. We have to make it all good. While I review where I've been and where I would like to see my life go in the coming months, I've decided to give myself focus and incentive. Look at my approach and do a little self evaluation. Is there a way to do things differently in my life?
For instance, here's a way to start small, something so simple, yet effective. Each week throughout the summer I have jotted a note in my calendar on Monday. I am giving myself five days' leeway. If it doesn't happen on Monday, no problem, I have four more days to accomplish my goal. I will rest on Saturday and Sunday, something I never did during the school year. When I say rest, I mean no to-do list!
Each Monday is assigned a task of importance to me. It might be as simple as cleaning out the fridge. Not real important to my kids but a great need right now! It might be a more involved task, such as motivating my new high school senior to start on his college essays. Whatever it is, it will get done!
I am not setting myself up for failure, I am setting myself up for success by setting a goal, focusing on it and giving myself multiple opportunities to begin and reach completion. I am certain that the success I will achieve will be greater than if I set an unattainable goal for myself or my kids and feel defeat before I even begin. This is true no matter how simple the task. A positive approach will help me to be successful. This message can be a good motivator for us all, both to have not only a relaxing and fun summer, but a useful and productive one that will help set the tone for the fall. I'm feeling motivated already! Miriam