Many people feel trapped or restricted when foul weather dictates their comings and goings. I, on the other hand feel liberated. Firstly, I can't believe how much snow is still coming down on top of what is already here. I guess that's why they call it a blizzard! Therefore, I'm taking full advantage. Luckily, I don't really have anything of major importance that can't be rescheduled. I feel liberated because it is forcing me to stay at my home and besides the cardio chore of shoveling, which will come later, I am invigorated by the length of my to-do list that keeps growing as the snow keeps piling.
There are so many tasks that go undone at the house when we have full lives, either working full time outside the home or managing the schedules of our children. Basically, all this is put on hold for me and pretty much everywhere I look I can find a pretty good project to occupy my time.
In Organize This, my Daily Local News column, I talked about organizing photos and how daunting that can be. Today with digital photography we many times take the photos but it doesn't go much farther than that; they are stuck on an SD card for perpetuity. I make sure I promptly load them to my computer, print out a hard copy and also create a CD version for storage. I think soon I will create an offsite account like Picasa for one more secure method of safe keeping, but not today. My list is calling.
Use weekends such as we just had to really dedicate yourself to a few at-home tasks that you have been putting off. And I mean pick a doosie. The laundry can be done between runs to the gym and the store. Focus on something that has been nagging you for a while and get to it. Sometimes it can become a game or family affair if you get everyone else involved. Each family member can do something towards an end in one manner or another. This will surely speed the process and enable you to tackle a couple of these long lost chores while you wait to be shoveled out.
Don't forget while you have your nose to the grindstone to glance out the window every so often to admire the beauty of nature. Don't let the negative thoughts of getting it moved out of the way or how you'll get to work tomorrow ruin the miracle of nature. There is nothing more spectacular than landscape covered with a fresh white snowfall.
Just to give you some ideas of what I'm planning on accomplishing; I am going to cozy up to a fire and get caught up on my reading requirements for a class I'm taking. I'm going to read from start to finish for once, not chunks between pick ups and drop offs at guitar lessons.
Laundry is on my to-do list because there is always laundry. I have a plethora of thank you notes to write, then there's my filing on my desk that is piled almost as high as the snow! If I get through this I have to practice my drums. Yes, I did say drums. Again, never too late to emulate Phil Collins. I feel this task will have a two-fold effect. The boys and the hubby will tire quickly of hearing me banging on the crash cymbals and possibly head outside and get the shoveling started. This could leave me some time to bake a few goodies for their hot cocoa break. Baking is something I never seem to have time for anymore. I'm feeling pretty good about my short list so far. Enjoy your progress this week! Thanks for reading! Miriam
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