16 March 2010

St. Patty's Inspiration

Luck O' The Irish to ya! I don't know, will that help, encourage, entice or inspire? Whatever it takes, I say! Spring is my busiest season, both business wise and in my home life. Sometimes I wonder to myself how I will accomplish it all. How will I get everyone from the proper point A to point B and do it with a smile on. It's a challenge at times. I'll take any type of help I can get, including luck! Getting and staying organized and on point is key. No slacking off allowed! School projects usually get assigned this time of year and with the weather improving we don't usually like to be couped up inside doing things we should do. We'd rather be out doing things we want to do! Sometimes our intentions can get away from us while we stop to enjoy the outdoors and the good weather. Of course, enjoy as much as you can but don't let it lead you down the path to laziness either. Good organizing in your calendar is first order or business. Deadlines, appointments, practice and game schedules all need to be noted and shared. Each morning a checklist should be broached just to make sure everyone has what they need. Backup plans are a good idea to have just in case someone might forget something. Extra equipment, water bottles, cleats, report covers, snacks and the like, should be on hand at home and if necessary in the car. Alternate pickup plans should be implemented as well. IF this happens then do this. If not there's always plan A. Cellphones should be charged frequently. Be responsible and courteous and keep in touch with rides and note changes in plans. Communicating is key. Don't leave anything to chance at the last moment when you are rushed and stressed out. Dinners plans should be thought about a bit more in advance now and even sometimes prepared ahead. This I find to be my most difficult hurdle. Where do the days and hours go? Help Dream Dinners! In the meantime, watch out for those sneaky Leprechauns, they're everywhere and they'll throw a foible into your plans every time! Happy St. Patty's....Happy Spring! Thanks for reading! Miriam

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