26 September 2011

Indian Summer Reprieve

How did you spend your last week or two of summer? Did you fare well with pacing yourself to get the last drops from your cocktail...and did you make a list or two to help you stay on task for the coming days? Striking a balance between shifts in life to help you ease gently into the frenzy of fall is a difficult task. Each of us will handle it differently. Hoping that some of the tips shared in the August Daily Local News Organize This were helpful to you. See link below to reference. The days are getting shorter but there is still enough daylight to be productive AND to enjoy a little down time. Hope you find some time for both as we wind down to Indian Summer and the first day of fall! Thanks for reading! Miriam http://dailylocal.com/articles/2011/08/28/life/srv0000013405940.txt

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